Tips to Relieve Stress

Stressed? Here Are 10 Tips to Relieve Stress

A variety of small or large problems can cause stress if not controlled. It is natural and a part of our lives. Not all stress lighters can be controlled, but you can control how to respond.The stress relieftips below can be your solution to manage yourself when feeling depressed.

10 Tips to Relieve Stress

1. Make Me-Time

Stress often comes from external factors such as family, work, finances or others. It is this factor that generally makes you forget about yourself. Avoid thinking too much around without noticing things are good for you. Make a timetable by filling the time with something you like.

Various things that can be done to time is to do hobbies, just go out to find a good food menu, or maybe just laze in the room. Make a regular me-time schedule. Focusing on yourself is important to keep your mind clear, not bored easily, and avoid stress.

2. Listen to Music

When carried into a depressing atmosphere, try to listen to music that relaxes you. Music with natural sounds such as waves, birds chirping or water flow gives a positive effect on the body and brain. In addition, the stress-causing hormone cortisol can decrease and lower blood pressure.

3. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Drinks containing alcohol and caffeine will exacerbate the stress you feel. Regulate the consumption of these two drinks, even better not at all when the stress begins to melanda. Replace the drink with herbal ingredients or fruit juice. In addition to its safer content, the body will remain well hydrated so that stress can be reduced.

4. Exercising a Lot

A passive lifestyle can accumulate stress hormones in the body, one of which is the hormone cortisol. This hormone can be reduced by frequent exercise. Regular exercise schedule also improves blood circulation so that the quality of sleep is also improved. If you don’t like seduous exercise, do a simple push-up, yoga or workout indoors.

If the work schedule gets in the way of doing sports, you can take advantage of the rest hours to enjoy the fresh air. In addition to moving a lot of bodies with walking, you will also get sunlight. Sunlight that greets the skin can make the feeling more happy and the mood becomes more stable.

5. Fix BedTime

Lack of hours of sleep contributes to higher stress. For that, a sufficient hours of sleep is indispensable for the body. Although stress is sometimes the cause of difficulty sleeping, you can relax before bedtime on a predetermined schedule. This would be better done than taking sleeping pills.

Start getting used to not consuming caffeine and not charging yourself with work. Get rid of devices that make it difficult for your eyes to close like a computer or phone an hour before bedtime. This needs to be done regularly in order for your body’s rhythm to be good. That way, the body will get used to it and be able to predict the rest time by itself.

6. Writing Diary

One ofthe tips to relievestress is to write a diary. The content of the writing is about how you live the day so that it makes the pressure come. This way makes you able to self-management so that later can be aware of the situation that occurred. When a certain trigger comes back, you already know how to control yourself.

7. Set the Time

Stress can come because you are unable to manage the time. Make a list of things you should work on. We recommend that lists are also created on a priority scale. If there are activities that you feel are less necessary, you can eliminate them and replace them with more useful things. Make sure enough sleep goes into your main activity.

8. Improve Food Menu

Stress levels can be related to the menu of food consumed. If the nutrition is not balanced, the body will lack certain substances that can trigger stress. The best menu to relieve stress generally contains omega 3 and does not contain excessive sugar. Try foods such as tuna, fish and fruits as a daily main menu.

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9. Drink Green Tea

Green tea has a very high antioxidant content. In contrast to ordinary teas that contain a certain amount of caffeine. Not only antioxidants, green tea also has amino acids. Its main role is to make the mind and nervous system more relaxed.

10. Increase Self-Awareness

Changing lifestyles can be done by raising self-awareness. One of the activities is to do yoga or pilates. This method is very effective as an approach to mental health. Regular exercise can have a good effect on your awareness and avoid stress.

The stress that strikes is inevitable. Even so, you shouldn’t let it go. Various tipsto relieve stress canbe done so that the body and mind feel lighter. If left untreated, stress can cause serious physical and mental health problems.

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