The Indonesian government through President Joko Widodo ensures that the vaccine will be used in handling Pandemic Covid-19 safe and effective.
Related to that, the professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Prof.
“The effectiveness of vaccines is not limited to one day, but in this case, only the most effective vaccines can be used,” said Prof. Side by 2020.
Senga Sakti Rambe is the head of the vaccine, which specializes in vaccination. According to him, every vaccine has different effectiveness. However, vaccines will not be licensed for use or distribution if the authorities do not meet the terms and standards of the Svetovnata Zdravna (SZO) organization.
For the Covid-19 vaccine, which emphasizes that it has a minimum strength of 50 percent. Hopefully, there is a vaccine that has higher effectiveness than the number set by whom, “Dr. Dirga.
The manufacturing process for each vaccine is subject to a long process of research and clinical trials. However, progress in science and technology can now accelerate this process.
Even if it’s faster, there is no compromise with security. This is an application by a virology and a molecular biologist from Udayana University, Prof. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika. Thinking, vaccines are important things that must be a concern of all parties.
“The only way to get rid of this vaccine is to make sure the vaccine doesn’t compromise.” The vaccine really must be safe before use, “he said.
To better understand the manufacturing process, it is necessary to oversee various competent institutions. For example, the clinical trial of Covid-19 vaccine in Bandung has used the same standard as those in countries located.
This process is always supervised by the Supervisory Agency, such as the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Data Monitor Agency (DSMB), and the UNPAD Faculty of Medical Etiquette Committee.
Members of the National Immunization Advisory Committee from the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (Itagi) Prof. Hansel Soedjatmiko, Spa (K).
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BPOM is not the main part of the BPOM system but is still available. The quality of vaccines is evaluated, evaluated, and is confirmed by a vaccine with a good drug manufacturing method (CPOB).
After offering passed evaluations and vaccines are considered to meet the requirements of aspects of safety and effectiveness, BPOM can provide a use license.
Next, Dr. Dirga also stated that the news that the Covid-19 vaccine was ineffective and contained poison was wrong information.
“Any vaccine, including Covid-19 vaccine, when it is widely used by the public, it must get approval from BPOM. If the vaccine has been given permission to use it, it is certainly safe and effective,” tested and effective. “